Tikva Housing Society

Tikva Housing Rent Subsidy Program



In 2011, Tikva Housing Society established the “Tikva Housing Rent Subsidy Program” to provide eligible low-income individuals and families with cash assistance towards their monthly rent within available funding. The program is highly valued in the Jewish community as it provides assistance to households living in market rental housing and unable to afford rent due to a temporary crisis.

Applicants are interviewed and asked to provide proof of income and a copy of their rental lease agreement. Applicants are selected through a point score system.  There are fluctuations among recipients. People move, incomes change, and the program is able to adapt to these variations.

The maximum subsidy is $750/month for individuals and couples and $1,200/month for families.


The Tikva Housing Rent Subsidy program receives an annual grant from the Ben & Esther Dayson Charitable Foundation. This generous contribution is augmented by other donors and foundations who contribute as little as $18 to $20,000 and beyond. We appreciate the support from the following foundations and organizations: Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver, The Phyliss and Irving Snider Foundation, PAID Family Foundation, and The Zacks Family Charitable Foundation.

For 2021-2022, the funding received from private donors and foundations amounted to $163,603.

To contribute financially to the Tikva Housing Rent Subsidy Program, click here.

Reporting Period – September 2021- August 2022:

In response to inflation and rising rents, we increased the maximum subsidy amount from $400 to $500 monthly for individuals/couples and from $600 to $750 monthly for families.

A total of 125 recipients were subsidized through the program.

  • 40 households received the subsidy during this reporting period
    • 16 were new agreements, including 38 people:
        • 6 families – (10 parents and 18 children)
        • 10 individuals/couples

As of August 31, 2021, 19 rent subsidy agreements were in place, including subsidies for 9 individuals, one couple and 8 families (11 parents & 16 children).

  • A total of 23 subsidies ended between September 2021 and August 2022:
    • 11 moved to Tikva Housing property
    • 1 was eligible for a government subsidy (SAFER/RAP) or subsidized housing
    • 6 were ineligible due to increased income
    • 2 moved out of the area
    • 3 ended for other reasons
  • Those whose subsidies ended were in the program for different lengths of time:
    • 56 % (13) – 1-12 months
    • 22 % (5) – 13-24 months
    • 22 % (5) – 25+ months

This reflects the actual bridging function while people acquire more permanent solutions.

Those whose subsidies ended were in the program for different lengths of time:

    • 98 % (19) – 1-12 months
    • 1 % (1) – 13-24 months
    • 1 % (2) – 25+ months



  • “I can’t thank you and Tikva enough for the help and hope you have provided me. Your reaching out with your subsidy program will make all the difference to me as I try to maintain a normal lifestyle and live in a safe and clean environment. Thank you again, and I hope to give back to you and Tikva in some form once I move back to the city in the near future. “
  • “I am so full of gratitude. This absolutely helps my daughter and me. Thank you so much!” 
  • “Thank you, Roni, so very much…Tikva Housing has been very kind to me…I really appreciate the help…” 
  • “That is such wonderful news, and I’m so relieved.
  • Thank you so much for all your help and everything this far. I truly appreciate it!”
  • Wow, I did not expect your email. Thank you for offering me opportunities. I am highly grateful.


The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s (CMHC) rental market report was released at the beginning of 2023, sharing alarming outcomes and a reality that we all know: the rent across Metro Vancouver increased significantly. The data show that lower-income households face significant challenges in finding units that they can afford. The rent across Metro Vancouver increased significantly, and we are also facing growth in demand and outpaced supply! The vacancy rate is now at .92%, the lowest level since 2001, and the average 2-bedroom rent is up by 5.7% or $2,700!

The latest release of the Canadian Rental Housing Index reveals a staggering increase in rental costs and significant housing challenges faced by renter households between 2016-2021. The impact of soaring rental prices in Canadian households remains dire, with one in three (33%) of renters paying an unaffordable amount of their income on housing costs. Within this group of renters, 13% are paying crisis-level amounts at over 50% of their income, placing them at an increased risk of homelessness.  The most significant increases in average rents were in British Columbia (30%) and Ontario (27%). Both provinces also lead the country in the highest proportion of renters spending unaffordable or crisis amounts on rent and utilities.

We rely solely on donations and grants dedicated to rent subsidies, and the amount of subsidies we can allocate is correlated with the gifts we receive for this program. Please, consider making a financial contribution to the Tikva Housing Rent Subsidy Program. Click here to donate.

For further information, please fill out the form below:

To assist us in understanding your needs, please specify the following:

  1. Income
  2. City of Residence
  3. Employment Location
  4. Family Composition


  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.