Tikva Housing Society

Ben & Esther Dayson Residences


Ben & Esther Dayson Residences is a 32-unit affordable housing project located west of the River District in Vancouver.

This community offers 32 townhomes, including:

  • Four (4) two-bedroom units
  • Twenty-four (24) three-bedroom units
  • Four (4) four-bedroom units

Rent is targeted to approximately 30% of gross household income to a rent maximum.

Ben & Esther Dayson Residences was developed in partnership with the City of Vancouver and the Community Land Trust.

*All units are occupied.  

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Income

The units are available to families with a range of income levels.

  1. Vancouver Residency (first priority)

As a first priority, families applying for housing must be residents of the City of Vancouver.

  1. Employment Location (second priority)

Should there be insufficient suitable applicants with Vancouver residency, families where one member is employed in a Vancouver based business will be considered.

  1. Family Composition

There must be a minimum of 1 child and a maximum of 6 children.


Listing Inquiry